The Art and formula of making the Astrological Bangle
“..has been passed on through the guru-shishya parampara (Tradition), from Param Guru Sri Yukteswar Giri ji to Gurudeva Sri Paramhansa Yogananda ji, from Gurudeva to some of his disciples primarily Dr. Lewis & Swami Kriyananda ji (Donald Walters), from Donald Walters to Nayaswami Jyotish ji (Current Spiritual Head of Ananda Sangha Worldwide & Successor of Swami Kriyananda) and from Nayaswami Jyotish ji to me, Anup Cukkemane, a humble devotee, Kriya Yogi & in seva for my master. Here is my story …”

Masters Humble Servant
Anup Cukkemane
“A humble disciple and an eager sevak is how I would prefer to describe myself. Coming from a family of kriyaban’s, it is humbling to be in the presence of such love and grace of our gurudeva Paramhansa Yogananda.”
“I came onto the path many years after my parents were already on it and a few months after Swami Kriyananda had left his body in the year 2014. But he still had plans for me and worked with me on masters plans through our acharyas at Ananda Sangha.”

Me with Nayaswami Jyotish ji & Nayaswami Devi ji and my parents.
In the center

Paramhansa Yogananda our guru wearing the astrological bangle & navaratna gem bracelet
In his left & right upper arms respectively.
“I came onto the path many years after my parents were already on it and a few months after Swami Kriyananda had left his body in the year 2014. But he still had plans for me and worked with me on masters plans through our acharyas at Ananda Sangha.”

The master’s guru, Sri Yukteswarji.
One of our paramguru’s, who revealed the purity & technique of making the astrological bangle.

Swami Kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda
Also the Founder, Ananda Sangha.
Only motto was to spread masters teachings of Kriya Yoga & world brotherhood & love. We are indebted to him for re-introducing master to India.
“By profession I am a diamantaire & a jeweller, and one fine day I was asked by one of our acharya if I would be able to start making the astrological bangles for devotees of master. I of course was pleasantly surprised and it was as if a secret wish of mine had been granted because I always thought about how the astrological bangle and the navaratna gem stone bracelet were made and if I could make them. After I was given a special diksha, where the formulae of Sri Yukteswarji to make the bangle was passed on to me by the Spiritual Leaders of Ananda Sangha Worldwide, I had a new responsibility to make it precise and maintain the high standards of one of my teachers and maker of the bangle in the US at Ananda Village, Mr Kent White of Tin Man Tech.”

With brothers Hezequiel Castelli, Baraquiel Castelli & Bramhachari Jemalji
From top-left, towards right
“After a year of research and development I was finally ready to offer the high purity standards required by Sri Yukteswarji for the bangle to work to its full potential, one of those criterias were to get the metals to a full 99.99% purity. Applying the other requirements of the formula, I have been able to provide the seva to make, re-build, anneal & clean bangles of the people who need them since 2015.”
“My mentor and teacher Bramhachari Jemal ji taught and transferred the metal working skills needed to make the bangle myself. It becomes doubly blessed, when a kriyaban disciple makes it himself, he said. All this was guided by Mr Kent White, senior minister, bangle maker and disciple from Ananda Village, California and Nayaswami Jayaji Spiritual Director, Ananda Sangha India. Hezequiel Castelli a web architect alongwith Jemal ji supported and guided me to design and make this wonderful website for the benefit of all the disciples from anywhere and any guru seeking the blessings Sri Yukteswar, and all the paramgurus and guru. With the blessings and able support of all my acharyas and more people, this project has come to fruition and the bangle is being made in India through this instrument of the masters since the last 4 years. I am deeply blessed and humbled and will continue on the path as masters humble devotee and instrument forever and perform this blessed seva as long as he wants it of me, asks me to. Seen inset in the picture, me seated with Hezequiel, Jemalji in Yellow with Baraquiel, a great music teacher and a greater yogi and instrument of the gurus”
In divine love and joy and deep gratitude
Anup Cukkemane
Astro Bangles
Yogananda's Astrological Bangles, as mentioned in The Autobiography of a Yogi.
© 2020 | Shri Lakshmi Diamonds.